

The school council meets on a monthly basis. Representatives are from classes across departments and age phases.

Students are invited to apply to become councillors and agree to the Terms of Reference as a code of conduct for the role. Prior to the meetings the student council members liaise with their peers and staff to collate any issues/requests that they would like the student council to raise at the meeting. Throughout the student council meeting pupils are supported by staff to raise any points they wish to discuss linked to school and having a positive impact upon life at Northern Counties School and with other stakeholders.

Following the meeting, actions are distributed across school, council members feedback to their peers and specific actions are completed.

School Council 2021-2022
• Fundraiser for The Ukraine and children at risk
• Promotion of LGBTQ+ rights through Rainbow Day
• Parent Coffee Mornings
• Dragons Den activity to promote ‘catch-up’ with the COVID-19 Catch-up funding – Llamas to visit, residential visits, animal house, sensory resources, theatre trip
• Jubilee Celebration party in June with families for the first time since COVID.
• Discussion with transport and sustainability manager around Foundation plans for electric vehicles
• Review of school meals with the cook.

School Council 2020-21
• Organised Save The Children Christmas Jumper fundraising day
• Secured resources such as card games for breaktimes
• Arranged a pumpkin competition for the whole school
• Activities to promote National Number Day- fun mathematical challenges
• Supported dementia awareness week
• Happiness initiatives as emerging from second full lockdown
• More laptops arranged for deaf department